I am pleased to inform you that the journal Economics and Environment has been included in the Elsevier Scopus database, and all articles published in the journal, starting from the first issue in 2019, will be indexed in this database. Please note that articles from the journal have been indexed in Web of Science since 2017.

I would like to thank all of the authors and reviewers for the high level of expertise that enabled the journal to be included in the most prestigious scientific databases.

All information can be found on the journal’s website: https://www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl (access to the current information is also possible from the icon on our home page).

I’m looking forward to further cooperation!

Dr. hab. Eng. Elżbieta Broniewicz, prof. PB
Journal “Economics and Environment”

Congratulations and thanks to Prof. PB Dr. hab. Eng. Elżbieta Broniewicz for the professional edition of the journal and subsequent successes enabling the dissemination of research on environmental issues in economics. We thus not only meet the current expectations of the Polish science system but also become a part of the international scientific community.