Sustainable Energetics Division
Available energy is the main object at stake in the struggle for existence and the evolution of the world…
L. Boltzmann (1886)
…energy will be democratized
J. Rifkin (2011)
Chairman: prof. UPP Dr. hab. Dariusz Pieńkowski (Poznań University of Life Sciences)

The Sustainable Energetics Division was established on 07 March 2019
at the board meeting of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists at the request of the members of the Association. The aim of this Division is to initiate and promote joint activities of Association members, together with scientists and practitioners, in the field of energy transformation from a global, regional and local perspective. The division cooperates closely with the Division of Economics of Use and Water Protection and addresses the issues of mutual dependencies between water and energy management.
The interests of the Sustainable Energetics Division focus, in particular, on the following theoretical and practical problems:
- economic use of renewable resources;
- socio-economic determinants of transformation towards sustainable development;
- global, regional and local conditions for the development of the energy sector;
- analysis of dependencies between socio-economic and ecological systems from the perspective of energy flows;
- shaping Poland’s energy policy; and
- economic evaluation of energy projects.
The division emphasises developing national and international cooperation between scientific and academic centres and practitioners in the field to create joint scientific and educational projects, as well as implementing new solutions in the field of sustainable energy management.
Only a member of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists can become a member of the division.
Contact form
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
ul. Gramatyka 10/105
30-067 Kraków, Poland