Division for Water Pollution Control Economics

„Water can be an area of economic activity and a source of wealth, and at the same time pose a threat and cause disasters on a scale beyond human imagination”
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Mruk
(Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Instytut Historii)

Water Pollution Control Economics Division was established on 4 October 2007

by resolution of the Board of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. As chairman, the Board of the Association designated prof. Rafał Miłaszewski, at that time from Bialystok University of Technology and currently academic staff member at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

The Presidium of the Division includes:

  • prof. Rafał Miłaszewski (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) – chairman
  • prof. Piotr Małecki (Cracow University of Economics) – deputy chairman
  • dr. Izabela Godyń (Cracow University of Technology) – deputy chairman
  • M. Sc., eng. Karolina Baron (Pedagogical University of Krakow) – secretary
  • prof. Kazimierz Górka (Cracow University of Economics) – member
  • prof. Tomasz Walczykiewicz (Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management –National Research Institute) – member
  • prof. Paweł Bartoszczuk (Warsaw School of Economics) – member
  • dr. Anna Dubel (AGH University of Science and Technology) – member
  • dr. Agnieszka Thier (Cracow University of Economics) – member

Members of the Division focus their activities in two key directions, namely:

  • scientific research and development,
  • education.

The research and development projects include coordination of scientific seminars and formulation of scientific reports and opinions. So far, the Division has organized seven seminars on the following topics:

  1. “Economic analysis in water management”, Cracow University of Economics, 8-9.05.2009, Kraków.
  2. “Economic challenges of water management”, State Higher Vocational School in Głogów (PWSZ), 8-9.05.2013, Głogów.
  3. “Water pollution control and water management” (session within a conference), University of Łódź, 13-15 October 2014, Łódź.
  4. “The risk of flood and drought: achievements and challenges”, AGH University of Science and Technology, 08.05.2015, Kraków./li>
  5. “Economic problems of water management in contemporary world. Water deficit and surplus”, Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Company (MPWiK) 09.05.2016, Kraków.
  6. “Water resources management” (session within a conference), University of Łódź, 25-26.09.2018, Łódź.
  7. “Economic problems of water management in contemporary world – challenges of modernity”, Cracow University of Economics, 10.05.2019, Kraków.

Water Pollution Control Economics Division cooperates with two Committee Sections of the Polish Academy of Sciences, namely:

  • Water Management Systems Division in the Water Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, headed by prof. Tomasz Walczykiewicz ((Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute).
  • Sanitary Engineering in the Civil and Water Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, headed by prof. Marian Kwietniewski (Warsaw University of Technology).

On engagement of two Polish Academy of Sciences Committees, members of the Division prepared the following expert opinions:

  1. “Guidelines for developing methodology for assessment of economic efficiency of investments in water management” (2009), an expert opinion prepared jointly by the Water Pollution Control Economics Division and the Water Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (prof. Kazimierz Górka, prof. Maciej Maciejewski, prof. Piotr Małecki, prof. Rafał Miłaszewski, prof. Tomasz Walczykiewicz).
  2. “Economics of water supply and sewage disposal facilities and systems ” (2014), an expert opinion prepared for the Sanitary Engineering Division of the Civil and Water Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (prof. Rafał Miłaszewski, dr. Beata Karolinczak).

As part of its education projects, the Division cooperates with:

  • Foundation of Environmental and Resource Economists in Białystok,
  • Research Team of Water Supply and Water Pollution Control Economics of Bialystok University of Technology, formally established in 2013 by the Rector of Bialystok University of Technology within the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences and chaired in the years 2013-2016 by prof. Rafał Miłaszewski and currently by dr Piotr Ofman.

In 2007-2009, the Division cooperated with the Foundation of Environmental and Resource Economists in Białystok on implementation of an environmental education project on “Education in the area of water supply and water pollution control economics as an instrument of the sustainable development policy”. As the end result of this project a textbook entitled “Materiały do studiowania ekonomiki zaopatrzenia w wodę i ochrony wód””, edited by Section members dr. Maciej Cygler and prof. Rafał Miłaszewski, was published in 2008 by the Foundation. An English-language version of this textbook, entitled “Materials for studying water supply and water pollution control economics” was also published by the Foundation in 2009.

Members of the Division also wrote two textbooks on economics and management in engineering and environmental control, namely:

  1. Ekonomika i zarządzanie ochroną środowiska dla inżynierów [Economics and environmental management for engineers (Eng.)], E. Broniewicz, J. Godlewska, R. Miłaszewski, (eds.), Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej, Białystok 2009./li>
  2. Broniewicz E., Godlewska J., Lulewicz-Sas A., Miłaszewski R.: Ekonomia i zarządzanie w inżynierii środowiska [Economics and management in environmental engineering (Eng.)],, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Białostockiej, Białystok 2019.
  3. Classes on economic issues associated with water supply systems and water pollution control are conducted by environmental engineering faculties at several technical and agricultural universities, among which are Warsaw University of Technology, Cracow University of Technology, Białystok University of Technology, Lublin University of Technology, Rzeszów University of Technology, University of Life Sciences in Poznań and Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.

    Currently, Division members are working on projects with main focus on:

    • research on the role of basic factors of socio-economic development, such as Water, Energy and Food;
    • research on the role of sewage treatment plants in the process of generating energy from renewable resources (RES);
    • Członkowie Sekcji rekrutują się z różnych uczelni ekonomicznych i technicznych w Polsce, m. in. z Politechniki Białostockiej, Politechniki Krakowskiej, Politechniki Śląskiej, Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej oraz z Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie.
    • development of economic indicators databases for water management;
    • cooperation with the Specialist Group on Statistics and Economics of the International Water Association;
    • cooperation of economists working on issues of water pollution control economics with environmental engineers.

    In 2018, membership in the Polish Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists was verified. As a result, it was established that currently, there are 31 members of the Water Pollution Control Economics Division and they represent about 30% of the total number of Association members.
    Only members of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists can join the Water Pollution Control Economics Division.

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Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
ul. Gramatyka 10/105
30-067 Kraków, Poland