Climate Protection Division
The window of opportunity to address climate change is narrowing rapidly
IPCC (2022)
Since human activity is responsible for the vast majority of global warming, it stands to reason that by appropriately shaping human activities, we can seek in the future to limit further warming
Z.Kundzewicz (2013)

The Climate Protection Division
was established on December 14, 2022 at the board meeting of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists at the request of the members of the Association.
Chairman: dr Agnieszka Sobol (Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute)
Division Secretary: dr Paulina Legutko-Kobus (Warsaw School of Economics)
The activities of the Division focus on the following areas (in both theoretical and practical terms):
- participation in the public debate on interdisciplinary issues of climate change;
- dissemination of pro-climate programming in strategic documents (at all management levels);
- providing opinions on projected legal acts and strategic documents related to climate policy;
- climate education in its broadest forms (formal and informal);
- building and strengthening social awareness around climate change, including active participation in social initiatives.
Currently (as of 07.2023) the Division has 24 members.
Only a member of the Polish Association of Environmental and Resource Economists can become a member of the division.
Formularz kontaktowy
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
ul. Gramatyka 10/105
30-067 Kraków, Poland