
A Polish citizen or a foreigner who declares participation in the works of the Association, undertakes to comply with the Statutes and resolutions of the authorities and meets the requirements provided for in the Statutes may become a member of the Association.

An aspirant and ordinary member may be a member of PSEŚiZN if he or she:

  • is of legal age;
  • is interested in economic problems of environmental protection and natural resources and intends to improve his/her knowledge and scientific qualifications in this field;
  • has full legal capacity;
  • submits the appropriate declaration/membership form/or reports membership electronically;
  • will complete the required information necessary for further cooperation in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR; and
  • has recommendations from two members (sample of recommendation form).

Bank account:
Bank PeKaO SA, IBAN: PL 66 1240 1431 1111 0010 2398 3794 (SWIFT/BIC: PKOPPLPW)

Electronic membership application

Please prepare scanned recommendation documents in Adobe (PDF) format for submission while completing the membership declaration.

Electronic data correction (change) or erasing (the latter results in the withdrawal of PSEŚiZN membership):

Contact form

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Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ekonomistów Środowiska i Zasobów Naturalnych
ul. Gramatyka 10/105
30-067 Kraków